It was our another amazing day of CARDBORAD CREATIVITY , and we decided to make our own SMACK THE PUPPET BOX, so i handed over the cardboard to my children and they started cutting and cutting and cutting ,they love cutting the circles ,i dont need to teach them about the circles everyday by showing pictures, they actually do it evereyday with their hands.

Concentration of children  is the big problem now as complained by educationists , teachers, parents ,and everyone ,but what i'v discovered is just simply opposite , children display the uniaginable concentration when work in nature or when working with their hands with real stuffs, so its proved autoatically that the FLAW is not in children but the CURRENT TRADITIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEM OF THE WORLD.

And now the SMACK THE PUPPET box was ready to play.
Waiting for the puppet stick to appear , getting the concept of Time calculation, estimation and stimulus-response learn best when they PLAY...not by Sitting idly in classrooms.
Even the smallest one is developing the best RESPONSE timings....
Little ones displyed excellent sense of patience which can only be possible when they are given opportunities to play in nature .

CHILDREN are amazing creatures ,they learn while they never know they are any curriculum which is making them well awared of their learning process is thus entirely a FLOP SYSTEM.
And children kept coming to play the game, not a single child shouted for his turn, i know they are all naturally well managed.,its just a matter of our environment which is actually aking them IMPATIENT.


  1. so true Erum!!! amazing post :) <3 keep up the good work

  2. Great idea! I love how you take simple play ideas outside. Thanks for linking to the Outdoor Play Party. Cheers.

    1. Thanx for appreciating , its all simple acts which can be turned into Wonders in a LIFE OF A CHILD.....thanx
